Privacy Policy

Yolla Producers Co-operative Society Ltd (referred to in this document as we, us or our “) is committed to protecting your privacy and upholding the Privacy Principles outlined in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) ("Act ") (including Australian Privacy Principles ("APPs"), and the Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (Tas) (PIP Act).

This policy outlines our management of personal information more specifically; 

  • The kinds of personal information we collect; -how we collect and hold it; 
  • The purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose it; 
  • Your right to access and seek correction of it; 
  • How you may complain about privacy matters; and 
  • Our sharing of your personal information.


What personal information do we collect? 

The types of information we generally collect include but is not limited to: 

    • Personal information including your name contact information such as your residential and postal address, telephone numbers, email address and date of birth; 
    • Financial information including ; 
      • The name of your bank or financial institution. Including bank account details and credit card details 
      • Details of properties owned by you. 
      • Business details, including Australian Business Number; tax file number; and 
    • Other information we may be required by law to collect to perform our services or voluntarily provided by you.

We may collect, use, hold or disclose the following types of Credit Related personal information: 

    • Identification information name, date of birth, current or previous address, name of current employer, drivers licence number; 
    • Type and amount of credit sought; 
    • Publicly available information about an individual's creditworthiness; 
    • Consumer credit liability information -name of credit provider, type of consumer credit, details of the consumer credit provided;
    • Repayment history information; 
    • Payment information in relation to an overdue payment; 
    • New arrangement information;
    • Court proceedings information; 
    • Personal insolvency information; or 
    • Opinion that a serious credit infringement has been committed by an individual

We do not collect any personal information on visitors to our website. Our website may contain links to other websites. If you have clicked on a link to another site and leave our website, this Policy is no longer in effect.

By voluntarily supplying us with your personal or credit related personal information, you are agreeing to be bound by this Policy.


Sensitive Information 

‘Sensitive Information’ is defined in the Privacy Act to include such things as race, sexual orientation, political opinion, membership of a trade association or union, criminal record or health information. 

We will not collect Sensitive Information about you unless: 

    • We obtain your explicit consent to collect and use such information, or 
    • The information is reasonably necessary for one or more of our functions or activities; or 
    • The collection of the information is required or authorised by or under Australian law or a court/tribunal order; or 
    • A permitted general situation exists in relation to the collection of the information by us; or 
    • A permitted health situation exists in relation to the collection of the information by us. 

Where we receive unsolicited Personal Information or Sensitive Information about you, we will check whether that information is reasonably necessary for our functions or activities. If it is, we will handle this information in the same way we do other information we seek from you. If not, we will destroy or de-identify it. 


How we collect and hold your personal information 

We collect Personal Information only by fair and lawful means. We generally will only collect such information about you if you voluntarily submit it to us. Your information may be collected in a number of ways, including:

    • Directly by our staff when you seek, or enquire about, our products and/or services; 
    • When you apply to be member of the Co-op 
    • When you apply for a commercial credit account with us 
    • When you apply to be employed by us; or 
    • When you apply to provide goods or services to us. In circumstances where it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect information from you, we may collect information about you from a third party source such as 
    • Other parties who have a business relationship with you 
    • A publicly maintained record or
    • A government body.
    • Credit providers, subject to any restrictions in the Act. 

You are not required to provide all the information requested by us but this may prevent us from providing some or all of our services to you. 


Why we collect your personal information and how we use it. 

When we collect, hold, use and/or disclose your personal information, we do so primarily to sell and promote our goods and services to you. We collect and use information to: 

    • Respond to requests or queries you raise 
    • To confirm your identity 
    • Provide you with information about those goods and services; 
    • Assist you with enquiries or purchases and to contact you about your orders; 
    • Gain an understanding of your needs 
    • To determine payment terms for the goods and/or services we provide;
    • For day to day administration purposes; and 
    • To satisfy our legal obligations. 
    • To keep you up to date with news, special offers, and other marketing information. you have opted-in to receive. You may opt out of our regular communications except those communications we are required by law to send (i.e. notification of AGM details) with you such as our monthly newsletters to you and we will tell you how to do this. 

We will not use your Personal Information for any purpose other than the purposes listed above unless: 

    • Such use is authorized or required by law (including where the use meets an exception in the APPs); or
    • You have consented to the use. 

We collect, use and hold your Credit Reporting Information: 

    • To determine payment terms for the goods and/or services we provide; 
    • For day to day administration purposes; and 
    • To satisfy our legal obligations. 
    • Register any security interest we may have in connection with your credit account on the Personal Property Securities Register or another security register 
    • Enable us to meet our obligations under certain laws or under subpoenas or warrants that are served on us; 

In addition, we use Credit Reporting Information that we obtain from Credit Reporting Bodies to derive information in relation to your creditworthiness and eligibility for credit. This is known as “Credit Eligibility Information”. 

We may disclose Credit Reporting Information about you to Credit Reporting Bodies and debt collection companies where you are in payment default. We will only make a disclosure in these circumstances if we have given you written notice of our intention to disclose and at least 14 days has passed since giving you such notice. The type of Credit Reporting Information that we may disclose includes: 

  • Identification information; and 
  • Information that you have defaulted on a payment due to us and the amount of the default. 

Subject to the above, we will not disclose Credit Reporting Information, including Credit Eligibility Information, about you unless you have authorised the disclosure or it is otherwise in accordance with the law. 


How we keep your personal information secure 

The security of your personal information is important to us. We are committed to keeping your personal information secure and safe. We have in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect. Some of the ways we do this are: 

    • Requiring employees and contractors to enter into confidentiality agreements. 
    • Secure hard copy document storage (i.e. storing hard copy documents in locked filing cabinets). 
    • Security measures for access to our computer systems. 
    • Controlled access to our administration and record keeping areas 
    • Providing a discreet environment for confidential discussions. 
    • Access control for our buildings. 

We will review and update our security measures from time to time. 

In addition, we will review the personal information held by us from time to time; ensuring that information which is no longer needed for a purpose for which it was initially collected is destroyed or de-identified. 


How you can access and seek to correct your Personal Information we hold. 

You are entitled to have access to and seek correction of any information that we may hold about you. If you wish to access this information, you must lodge a request for access by contacting our ‘Administration Manager’ by email at or by post to 83 Mt Hicks Road Wynyard, Tasmania 7325. 

We aim to ensure that the Personal Information we hold is accurate, up-to-date and complete. Please ensure any information you provide is accurate, up-to-date and complete, and notify us if you believe we hold information that is outdated, inaccurate, misleading, irrelevant or incomplete so that it can be corrected. If you find that your information is incorrect, you may request that we update your details by email or in writing. You will be provided with access to the information within a reasonable time after the request is made.

We are not required to give you access to this information if: 

a) You fail to provide sufficient proof of identity;

b) It would be unlawful to do so; or 

c) Denying access is required or authorised by Australian law or a court/tribunal order.

If we do not give you access to the information requested you will receive written notice that explains the reason for the refusal and refer you to our complaints procedure. 



If at any time you believe we have breached the Privacy Act, the Australian Privacy Principles, the Credit Reporting Code or this Policy you can complain by contacting our ‘Administration Officer’ by email or by post to 83 Mt Hicks Road Wynyard, Tasmania 7325. 

Within 7 days after a complaint is made, we will give you written notice that: 

    • Acknowledges the making of the complaint; 
    • Sets out how we will deal with the complaint; 

Within 30 days after a complaint is made or such longer period as mutually agreed to in writing, we will make a decision about the complaint. If you do not consider that your complaint has been adequately dealt with by us, you may make a further complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, which has complaint handling responsibilities under the Privacy Act. Details relating to lodging complaints are available at 


Sharing Information with Third Parties and Direct Marketing 

We does not sell or trade your personal information with third parties for their marketing purposes without your consent. 

Direct marketing relates to the promotion and marketing of products, services and special offers that we think will be of interest to you. This marketing may be carried out in a variety of ways (including by email, SMS/MMS, or social media, or by customising on-line content and displaying advertising on websites). We will only use your Personal Information for direct marketing purposes if you have consented to the use of the information for that purpose 

You can let us know at any time if you do not wish to receive direct marketing material from us by contacting our ‘Administration Manager’ by email at or by post to 83 Mt Hicks Road Wynyard, Tasmania 7325. 


Our Disclosure of Your Personal Information to Overseas Recipients 

We may disclose personal information about an individual to overseas organisations that help us provide our services. We will however take all reasonable steps not to disclose an individual’s personal information to overseas recipients unless:

    • We have the individual’s consent; 
    • We have satisfied ourselves that the overseas recipient is compliant with the Australian Privacy Principles, or a similar privacy regime; 
    • We form the opinion that the disclosure will lessen or prevent a serious threat to the life, health or safety of an individual or to public safety; or 
    • We are taking appropriate action in relation to suspected unlawful activity or serious misconduct This may occur in the following circumstances: 
    • Where you instruct us to disclose, whether in writing or verbally, information which contains your Personal Information to an overseas party; or 
    • Where your Personal Information is disclosed for the purposes of preparing documentation on your behalf, and the employee, agent, representative, or contractor retained to assist in the preparation of the documentation is based overseas; or 
    • When storing information with a “cloud service provider” which stores data outside of Australia. 

Whilst we take exceptional care in ensuring your Personal Information is kept secure in these instances, you may at any time ask we do not rely upon the services of agencies located overseas for the purposes of your matter by written request. 



This Policy is periodically reviewed. Any amendments to this Policy will be notified to you by posting an updated version on our website,

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